If you don't have access to the FTP servers then ask someone who has (a moderator for example). 3D studio max 4 was/is plagued with glitches (particularly within Character Studio's biped animation), yet quite a few game companies released official (kneecapped) file format exporters. I believe last update was 4.26 Not quite.there were four 'as-is' updates (meaning if they went bonkers, discreet/Autodesk was less than sympathetic) released by discreet: '3dsmax429patch1.zip' '3dsmax429patch2.zip' '3dsmax429patch3.zip' '3dsmax429patch4.zip' The update to which you refer is '3dsmax42-SP1.exe' this will upgrade 4.2 to either 4.25 if you have an AMD CPU, or 4.26 if a Pentium III/4 CPU is present, and reflected via splash screen upon successful update.

This was a BETA update from Autodesk/discreet for those with P4 CPU's, and designed to address performance issues (YMMV). EDIT: I was rifling through my hodgepodge files, and discovered another update about which I had forgotten, '3dsmax42PerfPackI05'. The name of this file is '3dsmax42update.exe', which upgrades from 4.0 to 4.2. From what i heard 4.0 is a pain without these updates, i believe even a performance pack is around that would be useful if anyone still got it. I been doing a bit of digging round and autodesk no long appear to have the service pack or any updates around.